Galettes de Légumes au Fonio (Vegetable Fritters with Fonio) is a traditional Burkinabe (from Burkina Faso) recipe for a classic vegetarian dish of mixed vegetables in an oat and egg base that are served with fonio millet. The full recipe is presented here and I hope you enjoy this classic Burkinabe version of: Vegetable Fritters with Fonio (Galettes de Légumes au Fonio).
Millets are the smallest of the grains that humans grow for food. They may also have been the first grains to be Farmed (originally in Western China).
Fonio is the finest-grained of all African forms of millet it is the grains of the grass Digitaria exilis, one of the fastest growing of all grasses, which from seed can reach maturity in 6-8 weeks. It is also highly drought resistant and has started to be planted much more extensively now that a mechanical method for threshing the grains has been developed.
Fonio may be one of the latest supergrains and it has begun to be imported into Europe. As a scientist (my day job) this is one of the plants I work with. The grain is much more flavourful than rice and it is rich in methionine and cystine, amino acids vital to human health and deficient in today's major cereals: wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, barley, and rye.
Fonio is used extensively in Senegalese, Gambian and Burkinabé cuisine. Here it's used whole to form the grain base for the fritters. Though this dish can be cooked traditionally, this recipe is an example of a modern adaptation of traditional cookery as the fonio is prepared in a microwave.
100g (1 cup) oat flakes
3 eggs
1 onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, scraped and grated
4 tbsp hard cheese (preferably goat's cheese), grated
2 tbsp nut oil (groundnut oil or hazelnut oil)
1 generous handful of chopped parsley
salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
Stir the onion and carrot into the hot grains then stir in the grated cheese and beat in the eggs and parsley. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
Heat the nut oil in a non-stick frying pan. Take a tablespoon of the vegetable batter mix. Drop this in the frying pan and spread out with the back of the spoon.
Cook for about 3 minutes per side, or until the patties are nicely browned all over. Serve hot, accompanied by a green salad.
For those who have never seen fonio before, here is an image:
Depending on the plant and the type grains range from almonst black to cream white in colour. They can be lenticulate (tear shaped) or almost spherical, as in the image here.
These spherical grains are typical in Senégal, where they are used as a direct replacement for couscous. To cook, they are steamed and then used directly as a grain base for stews.
I have to admit that the flavour of Fonio is much better than that of durum wheat based couscous and if fonio was readily available I would substitute it for fine couscous every time.
Millets are the smallest of the grains that humans grow for food. They may also have been the first grains to be Farmed (originally in Western China).
Fonio is the finest-grained of all African forms of millet it is the grains of the grass Digitaria exilis, one of the fastest growing of all grasses, which from seed can reach maturity in 6-8 weeks. It is also highly drought resistant and has started to be planted much more extensively now that a mechanical method for threshing the grains has been developed.
Fonio may be one of the latest supergrains and it has begun to be imported into Europe. As a scientist (my day job) this is one of the plants I work with. The grain is much more flavourful than rice and it is rich in methionine and cystine, amino acids vital to human health and deficient in today's major cereals: wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, barley, and rye.
Fonio is used extensively in Senegalese, Gambian and Burkinabé cuisine. Here it's used whole to form the grain base for the fritters. Though this dish can be cooked traditionally, this recipe is an example of a modern adaptation of traditional cookery as the fonio is prepared in a microwave.
Galettes de Légumes au Fonio (Vegetable Fritters with Fonio) Recipe
200g (1/2 lb) fonio100g (1 cup) oat flakes
3 eggs
1 onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, scraped and grated
4 tbsp hard cheese (preferably goat's cheese), grated
2 tbsp nut oil (groundnut oil or hazelnut oil)
1 generous handful of chopped parsley
salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
Combine the fonio and oat flakes in a bowl. Pour over 400ml water then transfer to a microwave and cook on full power for 4 minutes.Stir the onion and carrot into the hot grains then stir in the grated cheese and beat in the eggs and parsley. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
Heat the nut oil in a non-stick frying pan. Take a tablespoon of the vegetable batter mix. Drop this in the frying pan and spread out with the back of the spoon.
Cook for about 3 minutes per side, or until the patties are nicely browned all over. Serve hot, accompanied by a green salad.
burkinabe, burkina faso, fonio, grains, fritters, eggs, vegetarian, vegetables
Burkina Faso
Galettes de Légumes au Fonio (Vegetable Fritters with Fonio)
Galettes de Légumes au Fonio (Vegetable Fritters with Fonio). This is a Burkinabe (from Burkina Faso) recipe for fritters of fonio and oats with onion, carrot and cheese that are bound with eggs and fried in oil.
Yield: 4

Galettes de Légumes au Fonio (Vegetable Fritters with Fonio)
Galettes de Légumes au Fonio (Vegetable Fritters with Fonio). This is a Burkinabe (from Burkina Faso) recipe for fritters of fonio and oats with onion, carrot and cheese that are bound with eggs and fried in oil.
prep time: 10 mins
cook time: 20 mins
total time: 20 mins
- 200g (1/2 lb) fonio
- 100g (1 cup) oat flakes
- 3 eggs
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 1 carrot, scraped and grated
- 4 tbsp hard cheese (preferably goat's cheese), grated
- 2 tbsp nut oil (groundnut oil or hazelnut oil)
- 1 generous handful of chopped parsley
- salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste
- Combine the fonio and oat flakes in a bowl. Pour over 400ml water then transfer to a microwave and cook on full power for 4 minutes.
- Stir the onion and carrot into the hot grains then stir in the grated cheese and beat in the eggs and parsley. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
- Heat the nut oil in a non-stick frying pan. Take a tablespoon of the vegetable batter mix. Drop this in the frying pan and spread out with the back of the spoon.
- Cook for about 3 minutes per side, or until the patties are nicely browned all over. Serve hot, accompanied by a green salad.
© Dyfed Lloyd Evans
For those who have never seen fonio before, here is an image:
Depending on the plant and the type grains range from almonst black to cream white in colour. They can be lenticulate (tear shaped) or almost spherical, as in the image here.
These spherical grains are typical in Senégal, where they are used as a direct replacement for couscous. To cook, they are steamed and then used directly as a grain base for stews.
I have to admit that the flavour of Fonio is much better than that of durum wheat based couscous and if fonio was readily available I would substitute it for fine couscous every time.
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