Tansy Cordial Recipe

Tansy Cordial is a traditional British recipe for a classic drink made from water, vanilla and sugar that's flavoured with lemon juice and an infusion of tansy leaves. The full recipe is presented here and I hope you enjoy this classic British version of: Tansy Cordial.

The tansy is a bitter plant traditionally consumed during Easter time. A decoction is sometimes used as a tonic, but be careful as it's an abortificant (can induce abortion) and should not be consumed during pregnancy or if you are breastfeeding. However, as it is also an emmenagogue it can stimulate menstruation. It should also be noted that it is toxic in high doses. It is used as a flavouring ingredient in Chartreuse and Benedictine though.

For more information on the Tansy plant (Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)) see the recipe page for my Easter Tansy Recipe.

Go to the printable version of the recipe

Tansy Cordial Recipe


600ml (2 1/2 cups) water
450g (1 lb) sugar
1/3 vanilla pod (bean), split lengthways
40g (1 1/2 oz) whole >tansy leaves
juice of 1/2 lemon


Combine the water, sugar and vanilla in a pan. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for about 30 minutes, or until you have a thick syrup. Take off the heat, add the tansy leaves then set aside to infuse for 4 hours.

After this time, strain the liquid and stir in the lemon juice. Pour into a pan and allow to heat through. Bottle whilst still hot. Stopper securely and sore in a cool, dark, cupboard.

1 tbsp of the cordial is sufficient for a large glass of water. Do not consume more than two glasses in a day.

Printable version of the Recipe

british, drinks, easter, wild food, vegetarian, greens
Tansy Cordial https://fabulousfusionfood.blogspot.com/2019/04/tansy-cordial-recipe.html Tansy Cordial. This is a traditional British recipe for a classic Easter drink of tansy leaf and vanilla extract in a sugar base. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhALjhkcarJ6hXNv_WasVJ2Fw83R-ZK7ZisTeckjhBxEeHZM4q5SCW3pEuVc23HIQJc-k6DnnE-rqBszU9I0_yYtuS6FOKghJhMQa-6ebpAOoecf9kpVsj5RsTXtk6_0MDueNCFx1wsCUE/s1600/easter-tansy-cordial.png 2019-04-13
Yield: 20+

Tansy Cordial

Tansy Cordial. This is a traditional British recipe for a classic Easter drink of tansy leaf and vanilla extract in a sugar base.
prep time: 10 mins cook time: 80 mins total time: 90 mins


  • 600ml (2 1/2 cups) water
  • 450g (1 lb) sugar
  • 1/3 vanilla pod (bean), split lengthways
  • 40g (1 1/2 oz) whole tansy leaves
  • juice of 1/2 lemon


  1. Combine the water, sugar and vanilla in a pan. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for about 30 minutes, or until you have a thick syrup. Take off the heat, add the tansy leaves then set aside to infuse for 4 hours.
  2. After this time, strain the liquid and stir in the lemon juice. Pour into a pan and allow to heat through. Bottle whilst still hot. Stopper securely and sore in a cool, dark, cupboard.
  3. 1 tbsp of the cordial is sufficient for a large glass of water. Do not consume more than two glasses in a day.
© Dyfed Lloyd Evans

For more Easter recipes and a little about the history of Easter go to my Easter information and Easter Recipes page.
